Wedding/Reception Info

Date & Time

Wedding Reception celebrating Nate & Stephanie will be May 3, 2025 at 6PM
(they will privately elope on March 24 and we get to celebrate in May!)


The residence of Tom & Priscilla Parsons
5747 Highway 13, Searcy, AR 72143
*please carpool if able, parking will be limited

Event Schedule

 Arrive at 6 o’clock and grab a quick photo with the married couple! Then enjoy…. There is no set end time so stay and celebrate as long as the fire pit is still flickering.

Dress Code

In authentic Stephanie & Nate fashion, this will be a true celebration! There will be dancing, yard games, and even hammocking! Come prepared for an evening simply enjoying a spring day, some yummy treats, with love in the air. Want to dress up? Great! Want to wear jeans? Sounds good! We just want to hug you and celebrate alongside you! 

Wedding Party

Though there is no official “Wedding party,” it is important to note that Ashel is the Best Friend, Kindred Spirit, and Maid of Honor (and all other things wonderful and extraordinary). 

The Love Story

Stephanie and Nate were both curious about who could be out there in the world… but neither of them had much hope in someone actually meeting their expectations… They were both on Facebook Dating and had been less than impressed with the people they “matched” with… until Tuesday, September 17. Stephanie stumbled across Nate’s profile and saw this camo-wearing nurse and found herself intrigued by his profile. She “liked” him first… truly hoping he would be interested in her too. Not long after, Nate “liked” her back; he’d looked at the photo of her standing in front of Cathedral Rock in Sedona and was immediately smitten. Immediately upon matching, they messaged each other. It didn’t take long for their messages to transfer to texts. They texted a lot the coming days… and finally FaceTimed for several hours that Friday, September 20. Nate wasn’t sure Stephanie was even real… she seemed too good to be true. Stephanie found herself smiling nonstop and wondering if Nate really was as wonderful as he appeared.

They will forever remember the 21st night of September… their first date. Nate had come to Searcy and though they had planned to go to dinner, they never made it. They just sat and talked for 8 hours. By the end of the night, “I love you” was exchanged and the rest, as they say, is history. From that day on, Stephanie and Nate have ended each night by telling the other how they fell more in love with the other and praying together. Two days later, Stephanie defended her dissertation and became Dr. Stephanie O’Brian. Nate sent her flowers with encouragement and a scripture and signed it Love, Nate. To this day, the card from those flowers is still Stephanie’s bookmark. On their second date a few days later, they said they would be getting married.

Stephanie meeting Nate’s kids went wildly well and Nate meeting Steph’s bestie went splendidly.  Their love did not just bloom or flourish, but it EXPLODED as the fall progressed. “When you know, you know” has become a strong belief and sentiment of the couple. Neither of them never really expected to find the other… but they are truly a match made in Heaven. 

The Proposal

Nate knew from the beginning that he wanted to marry Stephanie. He wanted it to be a remarkably special moment. Nate considered proposing over Thanksgiving week while in Chattanooga with his family but he knew how important it was to Stephanie to have Ashel there. Plus, where he was considering proposing was rather crowded and Stephanie wanted the moment to be more intimate and private.

When Stephanie brought up a post-Christmas trip to Sedona, Nate knew it was the perfect place! Not only is it a gorgeous place and very meaningful to Stephanie and Ashel, but the very first photo he ever saw of her was her in Sedona. He fell for her the first time he saw that photo and wanted to propose in the very same spot… so January 2, that is exactly what he did. Right after sunset at Secret Slick Rock in Sedona, Nate got on one knee and asked Stephanie to marry him. Easiest yes of all time! 

The photo Nate first saw of Stephanie that inspired Nate to choose this special location.

Coming to Searcy for the big party?

Click to check out some of our favorite restaurants in town!

Have questions?

Contact Ashel Parsons



(501) 593-6600